We’ve all heard about chakras from yoga instructors, television programs, metaphysical and crystal shops, and those providing healing energy work. Often, they talk opening chakras to […]
I enjoy using Bach Flower Remedies. I believe they help incorporate positive energy and intention into our being – especially when their manner of use involves […]
As an integrative cardiologist for more than 20 years, I’ve continually seen dramatic positive health results when patients shift lifestyle behaviors. Controlling high blood pressure is […]
As an Integrative cardiologist, I take a holistic approach to patient care, which includes assessments of lifestyle behaviors and recommendations for improve their health, healing outcomes […]
Sleep is a surprising complex process, regulated by our thoughts, hormones (such as melatonin), and environment (such as light exposure). There are many reasons why someone […]
Here’s my handy chart for Calories Expended During Exercise These are average calories expended in 1 hour at a moderate level of intensity. 175-lb person Aerobics […]
Physical activity and exercise are good for your health at any stage of your life. A combination of activities such as walking, strength training, and specific […]