Dr. Mimi Guarneri Exercise Using a Therapy Ball
May 1, 2017
Dr. Mimi Guarneri Exercise Using a Therapy Ball
May 1, 2017

Dr. Mimi Guarneri Calming Mantram

The mantram (or Mantra) is a tool for calming the mind.  Mantram stands for a word, or short phrase, that you repeat silently to yourself.  The mantram has the power to calm and steady your mind.   This skill is thousands of years old.  For example, St. Francis of Assisi repeated “My God and my all.”

The mantram works fast.  It calms you down, stops you from reacting too quickly and stops panic and fear.  I use my mantram all day long, when I need it and when I don’t (except when I need my full attention on a project or while driving).  By using your mantram throughout the day and especially at bedtime, it will be available for you when you need it.

How To Use Mantram Repetition

  • Silently repeat a mantram as often as possible throughout the day.
  • Practice during non-stressed times so your mantram will calm you in stressful times.
  • Use your mantram to focus, quiet oneself, and bring attention into the present moment.

I suggest that you use your mantram while waiting or handling stressful or annoying things. These are situation examples:

  1. For people who are late
  2. Standing in lines 
  3. While “on hold” on telephone
  4. When getting cut off in traffic on freeway
  5. During arguments or disagreements with others
  6. Waiting for the elevator
  7. Prior to a job interview or public speaking
  8. Before answering the phone
  9. Before entering a patient’s room
  10. When sick and dealing with pain, illness, or surgery
  11. Before meals, to eat slowly
  12. For little compulsions or addictions
  13. For going to sleep or dealing with insomnia
  14. To deal with likes and dislikes to overcome rigidity
  15. In the presence of a dying patient or loved one when you want to “do” something and don’t know what to do

Consider using your mantram to manage unwanted emotions, such as:

  1. Depression, impatience, ruminating thoughts
  2. Fear, frustration, intrusive thoughts
  3. Anger or rage, guilt
  4. Greed, resentment
  5. Worry or embarrassment
  6. Anxiety, envy or jealousy

Use your mantram for daily tasks (while doing mechanical tasks that don’t require one’s full attention):

  1. Washing dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting
  2. Raking, gardening, watering plants
  3. Brushing teeth, combing hair, bathing or showering
  4. While exercising such as walking, jogging, swimming, bike riding, or any repeated exercise where no special equipment is needed.


Below are some examples of classical mantram. You can create your own, such as “All is well.”

My God and my All – St. Francis of Assisi’s mantram

Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you [me] – Catholic Rosary

Maranatha  (Mar-ah-nah-tha) – Lord of the Heart [Aramaic]

Kyrie Eleison  (Kir-ee-ay Ee-lay-ee-sone) – Lord have mercy

Shalom  (Shah-lohm) – Peace, wellness

Om Mani Padme Hum  (Ohm Mah-nee Pahd-may Hume) – An invocation to the jewel (Self), in the lotus of the heart

Namo Butsaya  (Nah-mo Boot-sie-yah) – I bow to the Buddha

Jesus, Jesus or Lord Jesus Christ – Son of God

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us [me] – Jesus Prayer

Rama  (Rah-mah) – Eternal joy within [Gandhi’s mantram]

Wakan Tanka – (Wah-Kah Tahn-Kah) – Great Spirit

Om Namo Narayani – I surrender to the Divine

Om Namah Shivaya  (Ohm Nah-mah Shee-vah-yah) – An invocation to beauty and fearlessness

Om Prema  (Ohm Pray-Mah) – A call for universal love

Om Shanti  (Ohm Shawn-tee) – An invocation to eternal peace

So Hum  (So Hum) – I am that Self within

Barukh Atah Adonoi  (Bah-rookh At-tah Ah-doh-nigh) – Blessed art Thou, King of the Universe

Ribono Shel Olam  (Ree-boh-no Shel O-lahm) – Master of the Universe

Sheheena  (Sha-khee-nah) – Feminine aspect of God

Allah  (Ah-lah) – The Supreme Being

Allahu Akbar  (Ah-lah-oo Ah-bahr) – God is greatest

Bismallah Ir-rahman Ir-rahim  (Beese-mah-lah Ir-rah-mun  Ir-rah-heem) – In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate