Dr. Mimi Guarneri Basic Stretching
May 1, 2017

Dr. Mimi Guarneri Exercise Using a Therapy Ball

Working out with an Exercise (Therapy) Ball helps develop overall muscle tone for your entire body with a low-impact workout. Specific other benefits can include rehabilitating back, hip, and knee injuries; improving flexibility and your cardiovascular system; and providing a powerful workout to improve your core stability, posture, and muscle balance.

The ball is great if you have back problems because it supports your lower back as you exercise and stretch. Core stability is enhanced –the deep muscles in your midsection that work as stabilizers for your entire body. They work together to protect your spine and help with everyday activities.

The ball also supports the lower back and other posterior muscles while exercising, which works to maintain muscle balance. This works both the anterior and posterior muscles.

  1. Flexion: Kneel behind the ball in a prayer position. Slowly roll your body forward on the ball, gently rocking forward and backward. Maintain your balance while smoothly performing the movement. Stop movement if you feel any pain.
  2. Extension: Squat in front of the ball and place your back on top of the ball. Slowly roll your body backward on the ball. Reach above your head with your arms, gently rocking forward and backward. Stop movement if you feel any pain.
  3. Lateral Flexion: Kneel beside the ball with the knee closest to the ball bent. Keep the opposite leg straight. Place the arm closest to the ball on top of the ball for balance. Slowly roll your body on top of the ball. Reach above your head with your free arm. Repeat the other side. Stop movement if you feel any pain.

Curl ups:


Seated Leg Lift:
